Honda Repair: car wont start, honda civic, functions work

my 1992 honda civic started having starting problems a week ago, when i tried to start my car it would make 1 click and not turn over. after a few tries it would crank and battery is fairly new and functions work except my dashlight. today i went thru the routine and this time there was no click or crank. i jumped my car thinking maybe its the battery. i pulled my starter and got it tested its good. checked my fuses and there good. so i was hoping maybe you can give me some helpful advice in what to do next. thanks

I would definitely consider this being a battery issue. Either your battery is not receiving a charge from your alternator or there is an electrical short - wiring issue. Pull your alternator out and have it bench tested too. If it turns out ok then does your car have an aftermarket alarm? Stereo system? Amplifiers? This can only happen with a few key areas of your car being the culprit. Let me know what you find out...