Honda Repair: civic, poor mileage, start ups

new 05' civic. Since I have had it the engine has pinged at @ 2k rpm.  I am getting poor mileage. 28-33 mpg.  Clutch is also rough on start ups, and low speed gear change.   There has been numerous other repairs.  THese are just a couple that the dealer would not fix.   I was actually told that the engine pings because all engines are different and put together by different people.  Also told that @ 30k I should have the valves adjusted and a general engine tune up.  TOLD THIS BY THE DEALER!   This is my 4th civic and have never had any where near this many problems.   DO i have a lemon as far as honda goes?  

yeah i have never heard of this kind of stuff. did you buy it in lousiana? i would look around for a certified honda mechanic in the area, not a dealer. check in the yellow pages. all the motors and cars are assembled on the line. yes there are different people working on each engine but they arent putting them together by hand. i would definatly get a tuneup at 30k 60k 90k miles etc... dont need your valves adjusted though. your dealer is just trying to rip you off. try to go outside the source. maybe even a different dealer but dont tell them what he told you or they might just agree and send you on your way. if there is water in the motor and transmission that could be why it is acting up. does it smell like the gulf of mexico?

i would recommend a motor flush. you can get stuff at any autoparts store or local shops should be able to do it fairly cheap. and try changing the transmission fluid. other than that i would try another dealer or mechanic for their advice. if i could look at the car and hear it run i might be more help. sorry.