Honda Repair: Tachometer Trouble, installing a tachometer, tach light

Hi Rusty, I have went through some VERY tough times installing a tachometer on my 92 civic. the first one I bought seemed to have been broken because it was hooked up exactly the way one of my friend's car has it and it never worked. Then i bought another one. this one worked! but thenn, the lights kept on coming on and off, i was fed up with packaging and returning broken products and plus, these comapies wont take back the tach if the wires were cut, so i decided to open the tach up. I found no power going to the wire for the lights, so i ran a power wire and touched it to the tach light. it lit up for a few and came off. to make things shorter, the car was running, i had a power wire in my hand and I accidentally touched the power wire with the tachometer signal wire. The car shut off immediately and did not restart, just cranked, i knew i did something bad because in some tachometer instructions they say in bold DO NOT TOUCH TACHOMETER SIGNAL WITH POWER WIRE. so my question is, What has to be done to my car now that ive touched the power wire wit the tachometer signal to get my car started and running again? I would really appreciate it if you can tell me what to do if you know anything about that. Thanks ALOT , Tariq

Make sure the engine has spark and fuel going to it, take carpet off the ECU and when you turn ignition on a little red led light will start blinking, Tell me what it is blinking and i can tell you, or you can go to my web site and download a wiring diagram and ECU codes for nothing,

Cheers RUSTY