Honda Repair: 1994 honda accord will not crank, honda accord, repo man

I bought a repoed 1994 honda accord from my company. the day that we repoed the car, we went out to try and crank it and it wouldnt crank. Would just turn over and over. we tried popping the clutch, hopeing the car would crank, no such luck. Well, we got the car to the store, I went home, got back to work the next morning and I said, Im going to try to crank the car again.......sure anuff, it cranked! drove it a fewmiles, put gas in it, got back to work, turned it off, tried to crank it again, it cranked. cranked a few times, then it wouldnt start anymore. tried it a few hours later, cranked, turned it off, would only just spin and spin, like trying to crank. Well, my repo man checked some things, the timing, so on so on. he pulled a plug, checked for fire, nothing. tried to crank it again, cranked up! turned it off, nothing again. when the car was cranked, it ran PERFECT! I dont know what it could be. I cant afford to send it to the shop and have them guess and try this that and everything till they find the problem. could you maybe try to help me figure out what the problm could be? its a 4cyl, 5spd. dont understand why on minute it would not have fire, then crank, then not crank at all......

Matt, is it hot and humid where you are? A common problem I've seen with an intermittent no start is a main relay which controls the fuel pump. A simple way to check this is when the car doesn't start, pay close attention to the check engine light. When you turn the key to the run position the light comes on for about two seconds then goes off. When it goes off you should hear a noticeable "click"(relay) at the exact same time. IF you don't hear that click replace the main relay and away you go. IF it is a no spark concern you may have a bad connection somewhere. A intermittent no-spark is rare. Good luck, RICK