Honda Repair: 2000 accord rotor replacement, fuel pressure regulator, v tek

The problem is, when it is warm out and the car has been driven for a while, until the engine gets hot and then turned off. If you try to re-start it after about 10 minutes (like after going into a store) the engine becomes very eratic and wont hold an idle. It bucks so much that sometimes the engine fault code comes on. Once it becomes stable, after reving the engine for a while, all symptoms disappear. This same condition NEVER happens when it is cold out!

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Question -
Good morning,
I was wondering if you are aware of any on-line sites that might have instructions/diagrams on how to replace 2000 EX (V-tek) rotors? (or is this not a back yard mechanic project?)
Also, my Accord runs like a Swiss watch in the colder months. However, when it's warm out and you shut it off for about 10 minutes, it hesitates like crazy when you start it again! Again, this never happens in the colder months. Any thoughts?

Answer -
This accord is very easy to replace the front rotors.  Just remove the two bolts that hold the caliper on (17mm socket) and remove the two screws that hold the rotor on and it comes off.  

What do you mean by hesitating when starting?  Need a little more info on that one.

Is is a V6?  If it is there is a bulletin about the fuel pressure regulator going bad causing the fuel pressure to drop too fast when on hot soak start.  Caused by the an additive in the fuel if you live in a colder climate.  It says to replace the fuel pressure regulator and PCM but I would just to the fuel pressure regulator to start with and see what happens.