Honda Repair: Clutch Master Cylinder Inop, clutch master cylinder, resevior

Craig, I recently replaced my clutch master cylinder on my 1991 Honda Accord 2.2i. The work was simple undo two bolt on the interior firewall after disconnecting the fluid resevior in the engine compartment. Did the reverse to install the new master cylinder. The problem is I cannot get any pressure when I try to bleed it. Am I doing something wrong or is the master cylinder no good?  Is there a check I can do to test the master cylinder. Thanking you in advance for your help.

How are you attempting to bleed it?  The bleed screw is located on the slave cylinder on the transmission.  I would break the bleed screw loose and let gravity replace the fluid in the lines if it will.  You will need two people to bleed the clutch.  One to operate the pedal and the other to operate the bleed screw.  I would pump the pedal 4-5 times then open the bleed screw.  You will have to do this several times until you get all the air out.