Honda Repair: 2003 Honda CRV wheel thump, 2003 honda crv, cv joints

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I have a very light wheel thump that is most noticable between 10 to 20 MpH and cannot be noticed above 30mph. I installed new tires/shop balanced thinking I had a flat spot on the original tires but this did not help. I've checked for a bent rim and high spots on the rotors but they are not the problem.
This has been happening for 10,000 and hasn't gotten worst. I have 55,000 miles on the CRV which we purchased new.
Problem does not seem to be related to drive train/CV joints because it remains the same in nuetral as it does in drive, rather turning left or right, front wards or backwards.
All that is left is wheel bearings and they don't feel loose or noisy.
What do you think?
thanks al
Answer -
When you say wheel thump what are you refering to?  Is it a noise or vibration?  
Craig--the thump  is a faint noise  like softly taping your finger on the desk and it occures with each revolution of the tire.A passenger wouldn't hear it unless they were told to listen. It Increases in frequency as you accelorate and then cannot be heard above 30mph. There is no vibration or loosenss and the sound is most prevolent at 20mph

The first thing that I would want to look at would be how much runnout the rotor has.  It is more on one side than the other?  I have seen runout on rotors cause the caliper to move back and forth and cause a knocking noise when going slow.  Goes away once you touch the brakes.