Honda Repair: 92 Prelude Check Engine light/transmission fluid check, honda mtf, honda prelude

Hi, I just bought a 92 honda prelude H23a w/ 5 speed tranny...I have a question about the check engine comes on after the car warms up and drops down to normal idle, the car runs great but my gas mileage is abismal im not sure what it could be maybe a 02 sensor or fuel filter..i have no idea. Also, I wanted to find the place i can add some transmission fluid, since my car grinds slightly into 3rd gear. Which i hear is a common problem with hondas. Thanks for your time.

Chris, if the engine light is on you have to retrieve a trouble code from the ECM in order to identify the problem system and diagnose from there. I f you need help with that let me know. As far as the 3RD gear grinding NO, it is not normal for a HONDA or any car. This symptom indicates worn internal parts in the trans. usually a synchro and or synchro hub, adding fluid will not help. Too add fluid though, the fill plug is located just above the drain plug and is a 17mm bolt. Fill with genuine HONDA MTF until it starts to flow out of the hole. Make sure car is level and when the flow turns into a drip reinstall the fill plug. If the transmission oil is low look for a leak(axle seal, case seal etc...)Good Luck, RICK