Honda Repair: 1989 honda prelude, merry christmas and happy new year, honda prelude

Hi, I have a 1989 prelude and my battery died. I had to take it out, to recharge it, and found when I put it back in the car, it would'nt start.First it wouldn't even crank the starter,then I reset my alarm and now it will crank fully but still not start. Could this be from the computer in the car being reset by taking out the battery and if so how and what do I do. Thank you so much and have a great holiday.  Frank    P.S the car was running and starting great before this.

I would take the battery to an auto parts store and have them test it to see if it is good. Most stores do this for free. Your no-start condition would not be from taking the battery out, you have something else going on. Check the battery first then make sure all your electrical connections are good. Check to see if you have spark and fuel, one is going to be missing. Once you determine what is missing you can diagnosis to the component. Follow-up to this reply if you need something more precise. Good luck. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.