Honda Repair: 1987 honda civic, crankcase breather hose, haynes manual

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Question -
I bought a honda civic 2 months ago it only has 87,000 on it I am experiencing blow by after the car was dieing at higher speeds I replaced the plugs they had alot of carbon on them ran good for about 48 hours ,I checked the coil the igniter and replaced the ignition rotor and cap still the same problem I,m leaning towards bad rings but I find it hard to beleive that a engine with this many miles would have these problems also trying to locate the pcv valve the haynes manual gives two different locations
Answer -
You will want to replace the pcv valve and clean up the spark plugs and the air cleaner real as well as the crankcase inlet filter usually located in or on the air cleaner housing. Once it is cleaned up you can start it up to see if the problem is fixed. If that does not fix it, which it probably won't, I would suspect bad rings and you would need to confirm that with a compression test and/or a cylinder leak down test.
Good luck
thank you bill could you tell me where the pcv valve is located thanks joe

I can't say for sure in your Civic, I have a '87 Accord and it is located in the crankcase breather hose. It can also be located in the camshaft cover, as I'm sure you know from the manual. I'd call a Honda dealer service department and ask them, every time I call them they are more than willing to help. You may also consider taking it into a dealer for a diagnosis, I did that this past week and it cost $54. for them to tell me what the problem is.
Sorry I could not be of more help.
Good luck.