Hyundai Repair: 1998 Hyundai Accent - Humming/vibration at high speeds, hyundai accent, high speeds

I have a 98 hyundai accent and a few days ago it started humming at a high frequency. I can make the noise go away if I turn my wheels to the right, but if I'm just straight on the noise comes back. It doesn't appear to be connected to the RPM's, just to speed. Any ideas on what this might be?

Hi, Robin.  Your description is conistent with a worn hub bearing.  Typically, the more load is applied to a bearing, the more noise it will make.  So in this case, my primary suspicion would be the right front hub bearing.

The easiest way to check the front hub bearings is simply to put the front of the car on jack stands (with the front wheels off the ground) and run the car in gear while an assistant listens for noise at either wheel.  Since you report that the noise goes away, this unloaded test may not prove fruitful in your particular case.