Hyundai Repair: ISP replacement, hyundai elantra, dash board

I have a 2002 Hyundai Elantra GLX and the check engine light on the dash board is ON. Hyundai Checkered Flag told me that I need to replace the Idle Speed Actuator. Could you please give me instruction how to do that on my own?

1.  Remove the five 10mm bolts attaching the engine cover to the engine.
2.  Remove the engine cover.
3.  Unplug the idle actuator.
4.  Remove the two 10mm/#3 Phillips bolts attaching the idle actuator to the throttle body.
5.  Remove the idle actuator and gasket.
6.  Install a new actuator with a new gasket, attaching with the bolts previously removed.
7.  Plug in actuator.
8.  Install the engine cover with the five 10mm bolts.