Hyundai Repair: 2004 tiburon, turn signal switch, hazard switch

Hi, i have a 2004 tiburon and it has developed an electrical issue the parking lights won't go off unless you unhook the battery, and the hazzard lights keep flashing anytime the fuse is installed. so i have no turn signals... this all happened at once and i was told it could be the turnsignal switch went bad by the mechanic, have you heard of any other problems like this?                     thanks R.metheney

I've seen the parking lamp issue in another model, but not the Tiburon.  You should expect that the turn signal (light) switch is not the issue.  Checking this is easy, too.  Simply unplug the light switch and see if the problems continue.  If they do, it's not the switch.  

In addition, if the hazard lamps flash (not just turn signals) with the ignition off, we already know that the issue is not a defective turn signal switch.  No input from the turn signal switch, even if erroneous, will cause the lamps to flash when the ignition is off.  The hazard switch is a potential issue, but once again, you can check by simply unplugging it.  If symptoms do not cease on unplugging the hazard switch, you've just determined that the switch was not the issue.

Most likely, the problem is in your body control module.  That's the common link to both the parking lamps and the hazard lamps.