Hyundai Repair: 2005 Tuscon smokes, valve stem oil seals, newer cars

Have a 2005 Tuscon with V6. Upon starting of car it smokes a little for a few minutes till it wamrs up.  Dont really think engine is too cold here in texas.  Any ideas?  Minor or major problems?  No check engine light, oil changed regularly and not running low.

If this is simply steam, it's probably normal.  On newer cars, there's a significant amount of water that condenses in the exhaust and will come out as steam, even in warmer weather.

If it's smoke, based on your description, I'd suspect oil leaking past the valve stem oil seals, but that's a leap I'm hesitant to make simply because I cannot see or smell the smoke.  Your best bet in this scenario is to take the car to the dealer (especially if still within the powertrain or other warranty) or a reputable independent shop and let them identify the cause or at least whether the smoke is caused by oil, coolant, or fuel.