Hyundai Repair: Intermittent Start tiburon 2000 model, fuel mixture, tib

good day, i have a 2000 tib and the problem i have is as follows, the vehicles starts up initially, i then switch off and try to start again, the engine swings around but no start. the is repeated a few times and then she takes and starts up again. could you help?

also a problem with the driver door. when the door is locked and then unlocked, the door refuses to open. i have now disconnected the locking mech and it seem to be working.
Thank you

Hi, Clyde.  

In regard to the starting issue, there could be any number of problems.  You could have an intermittent issue preventing spark and/or fuel from being delivered.  You could also have an issue that causes the wrong fuel mixture to be delivered.  The answers to the following may help me give you more specific advice:

1.  Is your check engine lamp on or has it been on recently?
2.  Does the engine start and run normally on the initial start?
3.  Your question seems to imply you start the car and then turn it back off for no apparent reason.  Can you better explain the circumstances?  I.e.: Why do you turn the engine back off?  Have you arrived at your destination?  How far did you drive?  How long did it take?  Etc.
4.  Will the engine eventually start if you continue cranking it?
5.  Does it run normally after it eventually starts?

In regard to the door issue, it sounds like it isn't being completely unlocked.  I've seen this caused by the rod between the lock knob and the latch not being secured properly to the door.