Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): electric chainsaw, electric chainsaw, chain saws

I am thinking of buying an electric chainsaw.  What can you tell me about them.  Are they reliable?  Which brand is best? I am an older woman who lives on some wooded land and use a chainsaw to cut up small trees and branches to burn in my fire place.

Hello Carol:

>>I am Not Much of a Fan of the Electric Outdoor Lawn and Garden Products.
>>We Repair the Electrical Saws, Trimmers and Mowers all the Time and the Trimmers Do a Fairly Good Job at Trimming, but Most of the Electrical Chain Saws have a Chain Speed that is Simply too Slow to Cut Anything Over 2 to 4" in Diameter.
>>I Suggest you Look into a Light Weight 12" or 14" Gas Saw if you can Manage the Weight and the Pull Starter.
>>I am Sorry I could Not be of Much Assistance to you on this.
>>Till Next Time. May All Your Mechanical Problems be SMALL ONES and as Always, May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy.

Best Wishes and Good Luck


jbridger (John)