Hyundai Repair: 2003 Hyundai Accent GSI No Spark Problem, crank sensor, accent gsi

Hi HT,
I asked earlier about a no spark problem, 1.6L engine, mil light comes on with key on. No codes, as before parked car two hours later had no spark when tried to start. You suspect a crank position sensor, is this common for this car? Where on the engine is it, and can I replace it myself? Thank you for your time.

In the sense that I've seen the problem occur several times, yes, it's common on your model.  In the sense that it's not a chronic problem nor any more of a trouble spot than with most other vehicles, no, it's not common.

The crank sensor is in the engine block under/behind the exhaust manifold on the transmission end of the engine.  If you have a ratchet, long extension, a universal, and a 10mm socket, you can replace this yourself.  It's held in place by one 10mm bolt.  When replacing, be sure the old o-ring comes out with the old sensor.