Hyundai Repair: 1998 Hyundai Elantre GLS ( 95,276 Miles ), power window switch, detent pin

1. Master power window switch operates for all windows except the driver side window.

2. I've replaced the Shifter Release with a new Solenoid Assy- ATA,because I could not shift without  placing a pencil in the hold by the shift. The dealer recommended
the change, now the problem happen intermittently.
Thank you in advance for your expert help

1.  Can you hear the motor in the driver's door running or trying to run when you try to operate the window?  If so, you'll almost certainly need a window regulator.  If not, you'll need to check the system electrically.

To perform an electrical check, remove the master window switch.  Install a voltmeter between pin 1 (blue wire) and pin 9 (brown wire) of the power window master switch connector with it still connected.  Turn the ignition on and attempt to operate the window.  If you don't get any voltage reading, the switch is defective.  If you get about 7 - 8V, the window motor is defective.  If you get full battery voltage (about 12V), you could have an unplugged motor, a broken wire, or an open circuit in the motor itself.

2.  There are many components in the shift interlock system.  It's controlled by what's called an A/T Shift and Key Lock and Control Module.  For purposes of releasing the solenoid, the module monitors the brake pedal switch and the park position switch.  

The next time the problem arises, check to see whether your brake lamps are working.  If not, you probably need a brake pedal switch.  If that's okay, then you might next remove the console and check to be sure the park position switch operates properly and that the detent pin that slides up and down in the shifter isn't bent.