Hyundai Repair: 2001 Hyundai XG300 Gas Mileage, 2001 hyundai xg300, torque converter clutch

My 2001 Hyundai XG300 is getting about (city/highway)13/18mpg.  I can also smell gas burning. I took it in to see if there was a gas leak and the mechanic said everything looked normal.  

What can I do? Should I get a second opinion? Is there a part that can be replaced to get better fuel efficency? Please help!

Thank you!

This engine is known for poor fuel economy.  The EPA estimates are 19/27, but I'd be very surprised if you get that.

There are a few things to check to ensure you're getting optimal fuel economy:
1.  Check to make sure the engine delivers the normal amount of power.
2.  Check to make sure the transmission engages all five forward gears normally.
3.  Check to make sure the torque converter clutch engages normally.  Most people would need a mechanic to do this.
4.  Check for diagnostic trouble codes in the engine and transmission computers (requires special tools).
5.  Check the data stream from the engine and transmission computers and verify all values appear correct (requires special tools).
6.  Check tire pressures and verify all tires are properly inflated.  In general, higher pressures result in lower rolling resistance and better fuel economy, but pressures too high will prematurely wear the centers of the tires.  You should be able to go as high as 35psi in this car without significant tire wear consequence.
7.  Have the alignment checked.  Excessive toe in or out can cause high rolling resistance.

If you trust that the mechanic that looked at the vehicle did all these things, then there's little need to get a second opinion.