Hyundai Repair: 1997 tiburon battery drain, negative cable, sorry for the confusion

Hi Robert,

I read a response you provided to a reader about battery drain. I'm having a similar problem, I've changed the alternator and placed in a new battery. But within a day or so after just being parked the battery is drained. Once the car is running, it's fine, however once it's parked, the battery gets drained. You commented on a light test to evaluate what's draining the battery - could you be more specific about how to do it? I'm not very familar with cars, so please help. You mentioned to "use a test light....but the light on the battery negative cable in between the battery an terminal an then start pulling fuses an when the light go's out see what is in that fuse an then start unplugging those things an when the light go's out on that you have the problem..."

Do I need a special wiring kit for the light test? Also, I don't quite understanding, am I holding one end on the battery neg terminal and where is the other end of the test? I'm sorry for the confusion.

Thanks for anyand all your help.


The simplest way to check for a battery draw, no matter how small or large is to disconnect negative cable,and hook up the ground clip off of a test light to the disconnected cable, then probe the post belonging to the disconnected battery cable with the test light, If the light comes on, there is curent being drawn from the battery. This simple test will test the whole vehicle all at once. If the test light fails to light, there is no current draw.but if the light lights then you have start seeing where the draw is an thats why you start pulling fuses,an then you see whats on that fuse an then start disconecting those things hope this is more for what your loking for.