Jaguar Repair: 510 bhp v8 direct injection, high pressure pumps, nox emissions

QUESTION: hi - do you know anything about the new jag engine with direct fuel injection? Is it a petrol engine (cannot seem to find this info anywhere!!!)? If so - how does the system actually work?

I read in an article that they avoid the cylinder walls & inject straight into the center of the cylinder - in my mind i don't see how this would work as it would be the same if it hits the walls (if not better) as it would have the same cooling effect in an area with high residual heat energy plus add to the vaporization of the fuel before combustion. If this is all in a diesel engine then it would make sense as the lower temperature of the fuel ignition would help nox emissions but i carn't see it working in a petrol engine for the reasons above - can you shed any light on this subject?

many thanks!

ANSWER: Hi Danial,
The direct injected model is not out yet. I have not seen any info about it other than word is that the injection will be very high pressure with a separate pump up close to each bank and a transfer pump to feed the high pressure pumps. They are claiming some horse power increase due to the direct injection but I can't see how, as I believe a change in engine design will be required to get much more power out of gasoline. In my opinion we are like the guy beating a dead horse to get it to go a little more, trying to squeeze much more out of the piston engine as it is designed. Like Harley Davidson squeezed the last ounce out of the flat head engine.

Car itself may be a different design too. I don't know if it has received any influence from TaTa or it is all Jag internal design.

I am direct injecting compressed air into the combustion chamber but just for starting the engine on a Olds V-8 215 going into my MGB GT.
It works well. You can see and read a little about it on my web site,
I have always believed that direct injection was also possible with Propane or Natural gas.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks - wow! the compressed air function is amazing!

What is the internal diameter of the copper pipes?

What type of corner joints are you using - how you seal the pipes up from the combustion chamber/control the flow of air? I have looked at your website but there isn't a wealth of detail........sorry to bombard you with questions but I found it very interesting.

ANSWER: Hi Danial,
If you are talking about the corner joints at the top of the block, they are one way valves so combustion does not blow back into the air distributor when it starts. As with any proto-type work I had to make 5 different design valves before I got one to work. Luckily the design of the air distributor worked on the first design.

I tried to enter the combustion chamber just above the top ring but still drilled into the coolant jacket in a few cylinders, so I put some Devcon in the hole and inserted a tube and turned the block up side down to let the Devcon set then drilled the center of the tube out again. I will just have to hope that it works. I am using Propylene Glyco straight, thus I can run atmospheric pressure cooling system which will have less load on any seams anywhere in the system. In my web site you will see an unusual cooling system too.

As far as the line size I used 1/4 in. lines from the dist to the combustion chamber. I was not sure that was going to be large enough so I had plans to go to 3/8 th if it was not sufficient. But the first test run proved to be enough since it was just to start the engine. I plan to run 3/8 from the on board tank since the 50 ft air hose I am testing with is only 3/8 and it runs well on that.

A friend video recorded an interview with me and the engine running on the compressed air and is in the process of setting up a web site to try to raise funds to build a full compressed air engine I have designed. (Next project)

I am setting up a test stand so I can not only demonstrate the engine running on compressed air but will be able to test run the engine on gasoline after a compressed air start. This way I can do all the tests on the cooling system too before dropping the engine in the car. A hundred fit checks have already been run for the engine and trans to the car so after I am satisfied that the cooling system and engine running are ok. Then I can just drop it in.

I hope to have it finished by late Sept. for a British car show in Franklin TN.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Wow - did you design & build the one way valves yourself or were they off the shelf items? Are you able to disclose any further details on their construction? - if not I will understand!

I am also interested in compressed air engines, I think there is much to be done in that direction, there are also some very interesting patents around already as food for thought.

May I wish you the best on your engine future - if you upload anything will you be using your current website or will you be using another one?


I did design and make the valves as I could not find a valve in production as it needed to be in a 90 deg config. I did design and make 4 that would not do the job and the 5th worked. I doubt they are patentable but no use publishing their design just in case. I may want to use that design on my Air Powered engine in some place.

I found two air powered cars in production. One is a small run about car in IN or IL some where and the other is made by TaTa in India (the company that just bought Jaguar from Ford Motor Co.) They claim a 100 mi on one charge of air and a speed of up to 65 MPH. They didn't give any details on the engine design.

Someone else is setting up a web site to try to raise funds to build the proto-type and if I get enough to build it I will document the progress on my web site. (no details on some aspects)

As soon as that site is up I will put a link to it on my site. I talked to them today and they are building the site with a video clip of the V-8 engine running on air as part of the promotion. I spoke to them today about it and they are wanting me to come up with a name of the site.

You can watch my site for the details of the other site.
You can e-mail me direct from my site to keep up on the progress.

I don't think these people (Allexperts) want me to air my projects although they are great people and are doing a great service with this system.
