Jeep Repair: OVERHEATING, jeep cherokee, head gasket

QUESTION: 2000 jeep cherokee  rusty sludge in radiator,,,replaced radiator, water pump, heater core and thermastat, had power flush twice.....head gasket tested twice not goes from cold start zero (100) TO 210 WITH IN 2 MINUTES of starting completely overheats within 10 -15 miles of driving...been told that a.I need a new radiator (RADIATATOR 1 YEAR OLD BUT HAS BEEN RUNNING WITH RUSTY SLUDGE IN SINCE BEEN FLUSHED) OR B. that the ports in the head are cloggeed and needs to be taken out milled and new head gasket,,,replaced...anyone have this problem????radiator is 1 year old and has had rusty sludge in it but has been flushed twice PLEASE HELP..ANY ADVICE IS GREATLY APPRECIATED at this point I would like to shoot it but I have already invested about 700.00 trying to fix problem and just need to see it through till the end. thank you :)

ANSWER: fans work? Plus the engine can not goto from 100 to 210 in 2 min there is not enough heat to do that  unless there is no coolant inside the heads or engine assembly.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: fans work.  My mechanic can't undersand the overheating either but im telling you the jeep goes from zero(100) up to 210 within minutes.  Internal engine clog is what I have been told. im so frustated and I'm so leary about taking it to the dealer casue of the high cost.  Is it possible that the ports in the head could be clogged?? Have you ever heard of anything like this?  I have went on line and seen this problem with other Jeep owners but no solutions on how to fix it. COold the freeze plugs be bad??? I think shooting it may be my only option. PLEASE HELP

worried about high cost  ????   u have already spent 700 and not changed a thing  so there is 700 out the window. I bet it would not have been that big a deal if u took it to some one that knew what they were doing in the first place and u would be fixed and on your way.