Land Rover Repair: Discovery II SLS bouncing, suspension repair, catalog houses


I am having a problem with the SLS on a 1999 Discovery II TD5 auto.

The rear suspension seems to bob up and down for no apparent reason.

I am assuming that it is the ride height sensor, but would appreciate your feedback, since you know what you are talking about!

Also is it dangerous to drive it like this?

Thanks in advance.

You may have a sensor problem, or there may be an issue with the height control valves.  Many people - when faced with your situation - elect to convert their Discoveries to coil spring rear suspension.  Coils don't give any trouble, and conversion is cheaper than air suspension repair because the air suspension gets more unreliable as it gets older and it contains many parts.

The catalog houses all sell suspension kits; look in the back of any Land Rover mag and you'll find them.  Craddocks in the UK comes to mind but there are others.

Good luck.

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