Land Rover Repair: Range Rover Classic Tailgate (upper portion), land rover service, upper gates

I'm seeking the upper portion of the Tailgate Assembly for a '91 Great Divide. The assembly should include the hydraulic extension arms. These upper gates are notorious for rusting out. I believe new ones have aluminum frames. Might you have one in stock or could you direct me to a reliable source?  

I am not a parts vendor.  I run a Land Rover service department in Springfield, Massachusetts.

If I were looking for a new upper gate the two places I would call are Atlantic British (800 533 2210) and Rovers North (802 879 0032)  The lift struts are separate from the gate.  The aluminum aftermarket replacement gates you refer to are in my opinion shoddy and ill-fitting.  I'd suggest getting a genuine gate if you can find one, but they are getting scarce.  If the genuine gates are all sold out the aluminum things are perhaps the best you can do.  CAll those places and see what they say

Good luck
John Elder Robison