Land Rover Repair: 98 Discovery, land rover dealer, discovery question

QUESTION: Hi Nigel....My 98 Discovery is electrically dead. My daughter left the door wouldn't click on.Engine would slightly wind-up, but nothing else. I put in a new battery. Car was the same. I checked fuses, starter motor, wiring etc. Electricity was moving. However, now nothing turns outside or inside lights, windows, radio, etc, etc. Nothing turns on at all. I called my local Land Rover dealer and asked if there's a kill switch---no. I explained and they said either dead battery or poor wiring connection....shouldn't be anything else. The car ran perfectly until this all problems. The car has not moved since the original door-left-open issue. I had a friend with knowledge and tools check everything he could imagine. We spent 1/2 day simply trying to locate the problem. He checked electricity in battery, starter, key area, checked all fuses and wiring.....nothing shows any life when turning key...nothing. Obviously I don't want to tow this to a dealer. Any thoughts? Thank you very much, Peter

ANSWER: Have you checked the battery voltage across the battery terminals?  It is not unheard of to get a bad new battery.  I agree with the dealer that it is most likely a dead battery or bad connections.  Check that there are 12V in the battery across the terminals and the continuity from the positive cable to the ground and the positive side of the engine fusebox to the negative side of the battery.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes Nigel.....battery is correct....voltage is correct.....we cannot locate a bad connection anywhere. This morning I went through the possibilities I could imagine....all is OK, however I'd like to offer this the engine compartment there are two rows of fuses, one is detailed in the info book, the othewr has to have the top screwed off to open the cover. Could all of this be happening because the alternator fix is bad? I have put a flashlight into it and it is not complete with the copper top as the other five batteries. It doesn't look broken, but it doesn't look perfect either. I greatly appreciate your time and your help. Peter

Check the continuity of the fuses from side to side.  You must have lost the continuity somewhere since it is not working.  I believe that you are probably right that a fuse is bad.  I would guess that the battery was put in backwards and a fuse was blown.