Land Rover Repair: Range Rover 1995 County LWB 4.2, highway speed, heater fan

Hi and thank you in advance for taking time to read my question. My Rover was not used for 4 months, it was parked outdoors from December through March this year. By the way I live in Montreal Canada so the winters are cold. The Rover started right up after all this time, but when I tried to turn on the heater it would not blow the air. I can feel the heat, and at highway speed the heat comes out of the vents, but the fans do not work at any speed. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

It sounds like the brushes in the blower motor are no longer making contact - they are probably worn out from age and sitting allowed them to corrode and there you are.

Try contacting Atlantic British, Brad at 800 533 2210 x 232 for a replacement heater fan.

It's a big job changing the fan.  Look for instructions on