Land Rover Repair: noise on deceleration, power steering pump, new cv

Thanks for the swift reply John, I will take a closer look at the brakes then will check the pulleys. When I jack up the front wheels they seem to spin OK though, and braking seems to still work fine, but the noise is certainly like something touching a brake disc.  
I was initially guessing it could it be something like a CV joint or a universal joint, or even the front diff, but can't work out how to test each of these without actually replacing them. Are there ways of checking these if the brake pistons seem fine?

Many thanks for your help

Followup To
Question -
I have a series 1 (Jan 1994) Discovery TDi200. It has recently started making an alarming whining noise during deceleration. Nothing at all during acceleration and cruising, but as soon as you ease off the gas it starts. Still happens in neutral but is quieter then. Noise pitch varies with road speed.
It sounds like it comes from the front left so I've checked the front wheels (no free play and plenty of oil in the swivel pin housings). Prop shafts are well greased.
I don't want to take it to a garage without knowing what is wrong - can you suggest anything I can check out to diagnose the problem?

Many thanks

Answer -
Hi James,

I'd look closely at the brakes and calipers in the front.  Could it be a seized piston or two on one side?

I'd then look at the pulleys, especially the power steering pump.

Best of luck,


**************** Follow up *****************


I've had a CV joint fail on me.  Its not nice.  I noticed a crunching kind of sound whenever I had to make slow-moving turns, like backing out of my driveway.  It happened in winter and I thought it was just frozen snow being crushed.  Two days later...I was unable to move the Disco.  I had to lock the diff in low and 'crawl' to the dealership.  

Diagnosis was a new CV joint was needed.  

$2500 and one week later...good as new.

Unless you are hearing the same noise when slowly turning, or feel a clunking sensation, the only other way is to remove the CV joint and inspect it.

Best of luck,


NB:  when was the last time you drove your Disco in low gears?  If its an axle that you suspect, that may be one way to test.