Land Rover Repair: 99 Dicovery SD Transmission Problems, slippage problems, machanics

Hey John,

I got a 99 Discovery SD and i have some major problems. when i take off it takes untill 3,000 Rpm to switch the first gear. and then it shift very slow. If i hit the gas peddal it sputters. It seems like it is having problems with slippage with the first gear and then it is really slow at accelarating. Also i dont know if it has something to do with it...but the RPMs are very hight all the time. I talked to some machanics and they said that it could be some sensors on the tranny. But the first gear slipage is def the tranny. Ia there a fix for this?

Hi Tomer,

the only fix for slippage problems is to drop the transmission and have it rebuilt.  Even if its sensors are affected, you still have to drop the transmission for that first inspection.  No quick easy fix for this problem.

Best of luck,
