Land Rover Repair: 95 and doors, power door locks, window index

I have taken off the door panels to try to fix it...I have tried lubing up every rod/joint/etc. with no luck.  I am mainly concerned with the passenger side front door.  It seems to me that the actuator might be the problem...although it is getting power and appears to be working correctly, I was wondering if it is a common problem that the actuator does not extend/contract fully leaving the plastic lock tab in need of being pulled up a little more to be able to unlock the door? I don't want to buy the part if it won't help it out, but I am running out of ideas.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


Followup To
Question -
I have been having problems with the power door locks on my rear door and the passenger side front door on my 1995 Disco.  When the power lock button is pressed it does not raise up the little plastic door lock tab enough to unlock the door.  the only way to unlock the door is to pull up on the tab from the inside and hold it up while you pull the door handle.  Is this a problem that requires new actuators?  Is there any less expensive way to fix this problem?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  

Also, I noticed you have had questions posted to you about the rear windows in the Discos not working, or working on and off.  I found this website that might be relevant.  My windows used to work only when they felt like it until one day they stopped working all together (thankfully while they were up).  I followed these steps on the website exactly and it solved the problem.  thanks in advance for any help.

Answer -
Hi Mike,

excellent website for window problems.  I'll keep this in my 'toolbox' for future use.

As for the rear door on our '95 Disco...I've had problems with this door for at least 5 years.  Like you, I was forced to lift the lock tab and then use the INTERIOR latch to open the rear door.  There is some adjustment to the lock that can be made.  You have to remove the panel and then make minute adjustments to one of the push rods to the lock.  As for the latch, it is notorious for collecting crud and dirt.  It has to be cleaned thoroughly and lubricated heavily with lithium grease or WD-40.  I prefer lithium white for its resistance to humidity.  

Same goes for each of the doors on my '95 Disco.  Every spring, I have to dismantle the door panels and lub the latch and associated rods.  It does not help that the rods are made of plastic and over time have lost their strength.  I found that the drivers door is the worst...the rod has bent over time and I'm sure on hot/humid days it resembles a wet noodle!

Best of luck and thanks again for the website tip.  I've got to find the time to check the soldering as my windows have a mind of their own.



Hi Mike,

yes, this is a common problem for older Disco's. I've heard many owners who've had to replace the actuators.

The rear door on my '95 Disco has the exact problem you describe.  The actuator is verticle instead of horizontal and is unable to raise the locking rod high enough to completely unlock the door.  It seems to be on the 'edge' and thus it works only some of the time.  Front passenger lock is also starting to 'misbehave'.

I've considered lengthening the short pushrod by replacing it with a longer one of equal guage wire (coat hanger?).  

My theory is that the actuator is not pushing far enough and thus, with a longer rod, it should push the rod easier.  That is...UNLESS the actuator is too weak and thus the problem is only increased! Its a theory.....

(I wish this website service would allow graphic cut 'n paste...)         

Actuator --to--Pushrod--to connector--to downward rod

If the pushrod length is increased, perhaps it will force the sliding link easier and the downward rod will force the swivel lock bar (and attached rod that leads up to the tab you see on your door) to open.  

Otherwise, both of us will have to replace the actuator.  I think its just a relay that separates and connects thus pushing a short rod that is one in a series of 3 links.

All that I have about the front door locks (driver and passenger sides are the same) is this...

It is a LR tech sheet that describes how to adjust the front door locks and handle assembly:  

Inside door release handle to lock:

1.   Refit the inside door release handle surround before any adjustment is made, allowing the handle to be set from the correct operatiing position.

2.  At the lock end of the interior handle connecting rod, rotate the spring tensioned nyloc nut clockwise or counter-clockwise, as necessary to shorten or extend the operating length of the rod.

Outside door release handle to lock:

1.  Disconnect the connecting rod from the plastic ferrule at the rear of the outer door release handle.  Rotate the rod clockwise or counter-clockwise to shorten or extend the operating length as necessary.

I hope this helps.  Let me know if a longer pushrod works...right now...I'm busy fighting the rust that has invaded the wheel wells.  

You won't notice this but its possible that you may have water pooling on the floor in the rear of your Disco behind the rear seats.  I have this and I've found the cause...cracks between the wheel well and the body. When it rains, the wheels spin up and force the water into the cracks in the stone gaurd. With age, the joint between the wheel well and the body separate.

Next time you have a chance, take a look up above your rear tires to see if there is any cracks in the stone gaurd that was factory sprayed in your wheel wells.  IF yes, you too may have water getting into the rear.  Its hard to detected and the 1 inch thick sponge below the rear carpet seems to absorb most of the water...but rust forms on in inside.  Rust can eat away on the corners of the wheel well right beside the two passenger rear doors.  If you see fine dirt forming on the carpets...its this problem.  Just thought I'd mention this...

Best of luck with the lock,
