Lincoln/Mercury Repair: Cost to replace cooling fan on 02 LS, thunderbird 3, power steering pump

Need to replace cooling fan and thermostat on Lincoln LS and would like to get a reasonable estimate of the cost of labor and part(s).  Thanks.

Hi Kevin,

There is a TSB out on that fan and there is an update to it. The fan runs off the power steering pump. You may want to sit down for this...

Labor times:

012111A         Replace Hydraulic Engine        1.5 Hrs.
               Cooling Fan Motor Lincoln
               LS 3.0L Engine

012111B         Replace Hydraulic Engine        1.7 Hrs.
               Cooling Fan Motor Lincoln
               LS And Thunderbird 3.9L

Ok, now the part:

Replace the HCF motor with revised part XW4Z-8K621-AA available at Ford for a mear $490.00 or there abouts.