Mazda Repair: 1995 Miata Console Lock, key code, glove box

I bought a 1995 Miata.  The key does not lock the center console.  How do I replace the lock (or find a key) that would let me lock and unlock the center console?  Could a locksmith help?

If the key opens the trunk and glove box door then the console or lock may have been changed at some point with either a new Mazda one or a used one.  If the key does not unlock the glove box and the trunk lock then you have a valet key in hand,  Sadly there is no key code on that lock so  neither a dealer nor  locksmith can make a key for it .  The locks are a matched set from Mazda.  If it's a valet key you can obtain a factory key from Mazda by VIN.  If not then the only solution is to buy the console lock set from Mazda it will come with a key that will only open the console lock.