Mazda Repair: 96 Mazda 626 Auto dies in reverse, mass air flow sensor, mass air flow

I recently purchased a 626 at an auction and the moment I got it   it had problems. From the the start, when I drove it, it would die at a light. As long as I kept it going, it stayed alive. Anytime I would completely stop the car it would die. So I had a guy clean to Idle Valve and I'm assuming that fixed it because it wouldn't do that anymore. But the one thing that it didn't fix is when you put it in reverse and back up and then stop, it would stall. This is still happening today. But now whats been happening (but not overtime) I start it and it turns over and starts but after about 10 secs, it dies. I start it again, it dies, until eventually it dies quicker and quicker and eventually, it wont start at all. What I noticed, however, that when I walk away and leave it off for awhile, it'll "gain power" and start again. This has happened twice and both times I left the car there and came back the next morning and started it and it was fine for a week and then randomly it would repeat this whole process and I would leave it sitting for the night, come back, start it, and drive away.

I am stuck. I believe its the Mass Air Flow sensor but would a bad on cause this?

very posible but before replacing it try cleaning it there's a spray you can buy for it and it's rather in exspensive. there was a service advisery on the 626 about a computer problem but i'm not sure what year it was you can look into tat also buy calling a local dealer