Mercedes Benz repair: 1997 E320(V6) Transmission Fault, thanks john, fifteen minutes

Three symptoms 1. Harsh engagement at idle into forward or reverse.  2. won't engage forward or reverse if started in neutral until the lever is moved to park. 3. Won.t change out of first gear.   Any suggestions .
Thanks  John

Greetings John!
Sorry for your luck!
This car is regular funny when it comes to things like this. What i would do is try to reset the computer on the transmission. You will need to find you a place maybe on your block that you can drive the car for fifteen minutes in drive if you can get it to go in there. Then never exceed 10 miles an hr. And never letting the rpm to exceed 1500 rpms. If you get frustrated with this, then the best thing to do is carry it to a shop that has the computer to reset this. Do not let the transmission shift out of first gear. This restes the transmission computer after so many cycles. After driving the car like this for fifteen minutes, Cut the engine off and see if it is still rough going into gear and such. If you need more help. please feel free to ask. Thanks and i hope this helps Ricky