Mercedes Benz repair: ASR light on 1993 Mercedes 300E 3.2ltr, auto help, limp home

The ASR light is on in my Mercedes 300E 3.2ltr, the car is in limbo mode and there is a loss of power. I cleaned all brake sensors and disconnected the battery to try and reset it with no results. I have read that it could be the overload protection relay. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It is called Limp- Home Mode.  What codes are in the control unit what actual value readings? What tires  do you have on the vehicle ? When did this start and what modifications does the vehicle have?
There are various thing that can cause this. Can you go to the dealer and have someone Quick test the vehicle and give you a printout of the fault codes and actual values of the chassis and drive system?

Let me know.
Miami Auto Help Inc