MG Car Repair: front quarter panel MGTF 1954

can you please help. I need to replace the front quarter panel on my Mgtf .any ideas on how to remove it without damaging the scuttle top and firewall

Hi Bob.

Before you start, make sure that the new quarter panel has two slots in it for the rubber door buffers.  Some replacement panels come with no slots.  You will need to do this carefully, so the cuts line up with the slots in the woodwork.  

The front quarter panel is pinned to the wooden frame of the body at the front (behind the rubber strip)and all the way along the door opening to the B post.  I recommend hard brass pins when fitting a new panel, and you should always drill the new panel before pinning it.  

The rear edge is cut to fit over the rear quarter panel, which has been joddled to make room for it.  There is no fixing.

Underneath the car, the panel is merely folded to partially cover the main wooden beam of the body frame.

There was originally one wood screw underneath the front wing, but this has probably rusted away.

At the top edge, it just slides underneath the folded edge of the scuttle, where it is clamped in place by the 3 chromed set-screws that hold the windscreen support bracket.  Once the old panel is free at the front, back and bottom, then you need to wiggle it a bit(a technical term) and it should just slide out downwards.    

Obviously, you will have to remove the bonnet, front wing, running board and the bonnet side panel before you start.  

Now is a good time to fit a new rubber strip all the way round the firewall, cutting a slot to clear the rear bonnet hinge.  The strip is only held in place with black tacks.