MG Car Repair: Wiring ign/starter switch midget 78 AND master clutch cyl., clutch fluid, clutch master

Barrie, I lost my drawing I made before disconnection the
five wires from the ign switch on my Midget 1500 78. The
connectors have nrs like 15 -  2./9 - 30 etc. Do they
correspond with respectively 1, 2, 3 etc. as Haynes
indicates ?   

Second question:
I bought a repair set for the clutch master cyl. The piston
stuck hard when pressed in. Dismantled the thing. piston
stuck on the second rubber. It is a rubber with a "skirt",
positioned round the back end of the piston in the same
direction as the loose compact main rubber between piston
and spring.
Should the second rubber perhaps just be a ring without
"skirt", as I read in one of your advices ? How does the
piston press oil through the piston holes, ring and first
rubber ? The problem made two rather tech-friends quite
desperate...!Hope you can help us. Thx in advance. Ryan,
Holland. PS Could you answer by my mail address or indicate
where I can find your answer ?  

Hi Ryan


Did you mean the ignition RELAY as opposed to the ignition switch?  Modern replacement relays have numbers such as 30 and 57 on them.  If so, ask me again.


I presume that you have removed the wires that are soldered to the back of the combined ignition switch / steering column lock?  There are 4 wires in a circle, plus a fifth one in the middle.  If you have a USA specification car, then it may also have an anti-run-on device wired to the side of the switch.  
The centre wire is Brown.  

The 4 wires around it are (1) White  (2) Grey  (3) White/Red  (4)White/Green.

The anti-run-on wires are Purple/Pink and Black.


The main rubber cup fits inside the spring.  It has a skirt that points towards the spring.

The secondary seal has an inner skirt that also faces forwards.

Clutch fluid drops down through a small hole just in front of the first cup.  As you start to press the pedal, the cup goes past the hole, preventing fluid going back up the hole.  The second seal stops any fluid dribbling out past the push rod.  

when you remove your foot from the pedal, fluid returns to the reservoir through the holes in the piston and then around the collapsed primary seal..