Mitsubishi Repair: oil light, oil light, evo8

Hey, I have a evo8 but this happen the other day I got the oil light came out and I say maybe is the oil lavel so I check out but I wash in the right lavel so I think maybe is need change the oil so I change the oil but the light came out again the think is the light came out wend the car is not moving  Or is in the stop sign, the light came out the star to blinking and the stay there but wend the car is stare moving the light gone this is all
I may need to replaces the oil pump? Or is the oil pressure sensor need to replaces? Or coulb the oil lines?
is anything can help me wend this problems

If the oil level if correct, and you are not loosing any oil, then the problem is your oil pressure.  It may be a bad oil sensor or sending unit, but you should have the oil pressure checked by your mechanic.  You may need a new oil pump.
Good luck!