Mitsubishi Repair: Drain fuel tank TE magna, extreme caution, full tank

HI, i have bought a new car, and the TE magna it is replacing still has a near full tank of the motion lotion, I have tried to get the trusty garden hose down the filler to siphon but it only goes in about as foot si that dont work, is There any drian plug that i can get to from underneath the car, just dont wanna scrap the car with a full tank of fuel.

I'm not too familiar with the Magna's fuel tank, but most fuel tanks do have a drain plug.  Else, there is usually a rubber fuel line that leads from the filler hole to the tank or from the tank to the engine that you can disconnect and drain most of the fuel.  Just take extreme caution before disconnecting any fuel lines.  Most fuel systems are pressurized from 40-65 psi.  It would be best to relieve the pressure first if you plan on disconnecting a hose connection from the pump to the engine.  You can usually depressurize the system by pulling the fuel pump fuse (or disconnect the pump electrical harness) and try to start the car.  The engine will soon die once the fuel pressure has been relieved and you should be safe.
Good luck!