Mitsubishi Repair: Low Idle, mitsubishi eclipse, pressure valve

I Have A 2000 mitsubishi Eclipse GS 2 Door Stick It Has A Vary Low Idle. The RPM Gauge Is Not Working So I Cant Tell You What The RPM Is At But.. I Will Start The Car And It Will Die Within Seconds Its Idle Is To Low For It To Keep Running It Will Sputter For A Few Seconds Then Die I Can Keep It Running By Pressing The Gas... But Here Is The Thing I Unhooked The Air Pressure Valve Sensor Or At Least That Is What I Think It Is.. Its The Plugin That Plugs Into The Air Filter Box.. And The Car Will Stay Running But The Idle Is Still To Low..  Any Idea's On How To Fix This???..

Also None Of The Windows Work Not Even The Sunroof. When I try To Open The Sunroof I Can Here It Try But No Cake. The Windows Just Dont Do Anything. Any Idea's On How To Fix This???...

James: You will need to get the computer coded to see if it might kick out the problem with the low idle, but it sounds like to me that you have a bad or maybe more than one bad sensor someplace. But the computer test should explain that. You need to go to a parts store and buy yourself a repair manual for your car, in that it would explain how to change those sensors and what to look for. It costs around $20.00 and well worth the money. With the windows did you buy the car like this and they never worked? Or did they just go in one night or what? I would check the fuses to see if they are ok, then wiring would be next, on to the switches in the doors that control the windows, the sunroof could be it is off its track and would need to be set back on that track to make it work. That would mean to take the car to a shop. God bless: Linda