Mitsubishi Repair: Cooling system, head gasket, mistubishi

I have a 2002 Mistubishi Galant 3.0. I got the car 2 years ago. These days the temperature jumped up a lot.
I replaced the Thermostat but still the same thing. the only difference is that the fans are working a lot when the temperature goes up. i think they have to work like that all the time in order for the arrow to stay in the middle. if you have any idea what can it be, please email me. thank you very much! Ray.

Ray: You need to get the waterpump tested in this car, I would say it is not moving the water around the engine as it should. So the engine is getting hot, you really need to get this checked out. Because if you keep letting this go, you will cook the head gasket and you don't want to do that. God bless: Linda