Mitsubishi Repair: battery going flat overnight, fog lights, power drain

my lancer battery draining overnight have tried 3 different batterys starts easy with jump and charges up a power drain hard to find any surjestions where to start model 94 manal cc

Geoffrey: How old are the cables that hook to the battery? Are they tight when you hook them up? What kind of shape is the alternator? it should be tested too. But other wise you have a short in your car someplace, in the starting wires I think but then it might be in any spot. You need to get a voltmeter and a repair manual. You start with the battery and work yourself around the car, with the help of that repair manual till you find the short. You didn't add something new to the car, like say a different radio or something like this; did you? As you might not got it wired up right. Or maybe fog lights? Well you will either have to do this or take the car to a shop to have them find your problem. Hope this helps and God bless: Linda