Mitsubishi Repair: 1990 Mitsubushi Galant Viento, wheel alignment, steering wheel

hey i have a twin cam manual galant which i recently purchased for some reason under low acelaration it gets a wobble in the steering wheel until you speed up someone said it may be the rubbers on the front something i have had a wheel alignment and balancing but still has not solved it have you ever come across this

Ryan: Might check to see if you have a bent tie-rod or you could have a bent rim which the tire sits on. And that other person is right, though in a way as your tires could be cupped or something on that order. But still you could think the person doing the wheel alignment would have seen that but maybe not. As they were not looking at your tires, you might try putting different tires on the front and see what happens, other wise you will have to go deeper into the front end, as the car might have been in some kind of an crash and something got bent does not take much. Have you looked at the tires yourself, can you see where the tire is starting to wear? That would explain a lot too. You should go out and buy youself a repair manual for your car, they cost around $20.00 and well worth the money as in that manual it would explain the whole front end to you so you would know what to be checking. Oh most parts stores sell these manuals. I hope this helps and God bless: Linda