Mitsubishi Repair: 95 Eclipse timing, safe side, timing belt

We took the valve cover off our eclipse and all looks fine but the timing belt came loose ( that is the reason we took the cover off) I have heard that these engines always ruin a valve when the belt slips , it was only driven less than a block when it slipped . What are my chances of just needing a new belt and a tensioner?

Liz:Yes you must replace the belt and maybe the tensioner. As the shop would be able to tell you if you need to replace the tensioner, but if the belt came loose. You must replace it with a new one, if the belt only came loose but did not break your engine might be ok. I am not going to be able to say for sure, you will have to replace that belt and see what happens. If the engine starts ok, does not knock then you should be home free. But please you must replace that belt and maybe to be on the safe side do the tensioner too. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda