Mitsubishi Repair: Diamante 2002 Antifreeze leak, antifreeze leak, antifreeze

This is a total first for me. Both front floor boards are soaked with antifreeze. Do you have a clue where it's coming from?

Deaven:I would say one or more of your seals have started to leak. It is always good to run the air conditioner during the winter months to keep that from happening. I would say the leak could be around the evaporator but you will have to get a shop to check this out. It could be your car's system is getting to much pressure and therefore the antifreeze is being forced out into the car. But again you need to get someone to fix this for you and they would know better. I can only make a guess.  One more thing your air conditioner system is under a lot of pressure, so you need to let a shop fix this for you. Hope this helps some and good luck! Linda