Mitsubishi Repair: 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse dying, mitsubishi eclipse, fuel pumps

QUESTION: Lately I've been having problems with my car after installing front and rear motor mounts and the cars computer. Two days ago the car died on me on the highway and it felt like it was the computer that went bad again or so I thought. The car would jerk and I went from 60mph to 0 and then back up until the car finally turned off completely. Can this be the computer? or is this the fuel pump which i was told by my mechanic early in the day? Thanks for all your help. BTW its a 1995 Mitsubishi eclipse GS, automatic with about 120,000 miles on it.
ANSWER: Christian: Well tell you, I always thought when the fuel pump went it was done, no going from 60 to 0 and back up again. But then you said the car turned off completely, meaning it died? Are you one of these people that runs your car down to the "E" before filling it up and hey with the cost of fuel these days. A lot of people are doing this and we are replacing a lot fuel pumps because of it. As the fuel is what keeps the pump cool, do it enough so the pump just burns it self up with time. But you can have the pump tested to see if it is putting out enough fuel, you can have your car coded to see it is the computer or maybe a sensor or more someplace. Will the car start at all now? If not ever changed your timing belt? You could have broke that too. There are relays that run the fuel pump maybe one of those are bad. But have your mechanic test the fuel pump, code the car and see how the timing belt looks. Your car has a lot of miles on it if you have never replaced that timing belt I would do it soon. If the timing belt goes when the car is running down the road, it can take the valves. If I missed a word or miss spelled something in this email sorry. But I broke my glasses today and having a heck of a time. It will be a long week-end till Monday morning when the eye doctor office reopens. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the reply, and yes I always seem to be low on gas before filling it up the car was coded before and it pointed to the computer which i had fixed and had a new one put in and now it is pointing to the fuel pump which i believe could be the problem because after the car is off for a while it does manage to turn back on. I just wanted to make sure it is that before i spend more money. One last question, do you think these are signs that i should sell the car for another eclipse? Thanks for all the help!  

Christian: Buying another car is up to you. But you know this car you have, you are putting in new parts. Unless you buy a new car, you will just have to start out with another used car and you will have no idea how that person took care of that car. I have a son in the same boat as you, but he decided to keep the car he has. As he says one of these days he will have all new parts and the car will be just like new. But then he loves his car and just can not part with it. I guess you will have to make a list, good things about the car and bad things. If your bad things out number your good things.. then maybe you should sell it. But if you like the car and it works for you. Well heck, I am just not a lot of help today. Let's blame it on being a Monday and I have the flu. Or as Garfield the cat felt about Mondays, he hated them. I feel the same way at times. Hope this helps some: Linda