Mitsubishi Repair: tranmission, mitsubishi galant, sencer

ok my girlfriend has a 1991 mitsubishi galant 4cyd 2.0 not turbo ok the trammission sift but spills will not go in od but drive in no od 1st gear it sift 2st then 3rd spills allong with four but they just had it rebuild 1 year ago is there a sencer that will make it do that. ok if she let off the gas and hit it again it will sift fine  

James: Your girlfriend needs to take the car back to whoever did the rebuild. I think maybe there is an adjustment that needs to get done or redone. Or maybe they did not hook something up as tight as it should have been and so it has now come loose. It needs to be checked over to see. If you got an AutoZone close by they will code your girlfriend's car for free and that would rule out any sensors or a computer problem. Hope this helps and good luck!