Mitsubishi Repair: overdrive, overdrive switch, transmission shop

I have a 1994 galant 4 cil. and the car goes fine with overdrive off but when engaged in overdrive it will get up to 40mph then it just whines like its in neutral with no power.
tranny has been removed then put back in, but still wont go over 40mph in overdrive? What could cause that? Please let me know. Thanks.

The solenoid that the overdrive switch controls may not be activating, so it will not let the transmission fully engage into 4th gear.  I don't know what was done when your transmission was removed, so I can't comment on any work that may have been performed.  But you may want to have a mechanic read any trouble codes off your car's transaxle control unit.  Have either a reputable transmission shop do this or the dealership.
Good luck!