Mitsubishi Repair: 02 lancer stalled and wont start, merry christmas, alternator

i was driving down the freeway when my '02 lancer stalled, at first i thought it was a bad i went into town bought a new one and put it in, when i tried to start it up, it just makes a click, but there's no turning over, any ideas?

Josh: The click sounds like your starter is bad, but that would not make the car stall. How new is your battery? How are the cables on the battery? I would have the starter checked, how about your driving belt? But then if the car will not even turn over, that has to be your battery which powers the starter, or the starter is shot which turns the engine so it will start. You should get yourself a repair manual for your car, can get one at any parts store for around $20.00. It will give you ideas on what to trouble shoot. I can only give you ideas. So I guess I would check what I told you about and see what happens. Hope this helps and good luck. Oh hey Merry Christmas too....