Mitsubishi Repair: 97 Galant GDI, negative cable, fuel injectors

My Galant has on the check engine light and the code was fuel injectors, I had them clean and found out two of them are bad so I replaced them but the light is still on and the code is still saying fuel injectors. The car is sputtering and shutting off. I am not sure what is the problem and I am getting frustrated.

Desmond: If you had two of the fuel injectors replaced, I would go back to whoever did the work and see what they think is going on. Or I would have all the fuel injector replaced. Don't know what engine you have. But your car is almost 10 years old. Other wise it could be your computer, in some cars the computer is the problem. To clear the computer and so turn off the engine light. Remove the negative cable from the battery and leave it off for 5 minutes; then put it back on. If the light is still on, then you still have problems. You should buy a repair book on your car, it would help you. Hope this helps and good luck!