Mitsubishi Repair: 2000 Eclipse clicking noise..., sqeak, boot problem

I have a 2000 Eclipse manual trans, about 130k miles.   There is a clicking noise coming from the front end passenger side.  It mainly occurs when accelerating/letting out the clutch in 1st or 2nd gear.  It almost sounds like an old shock sqeak, but that's not the problem.  I assume it's not an axle boot problem, since it doesn't happen on turns.  

being that this car has 130k on it...It could be a clutch problem or some sort of suspension problem...But tell you the truth Tyler this kinda thing could be anything? Could be that soemthing is loose in your engine bay like a lost bolt or the noise can be from hydraulic system, it could be your A/c compressor...the nosie could very well be ONE bad bearing in your cv joint/ catch my drif??  Its hard to pinpoint! make sure to lube your chasis and other grease ponits of the car(walmart is good about this) sometime your nicks and cranys need some lube!

Good Luck

P.S. A cv bearing problem is not always heard on turns!